
*BRAND* Rightmove. The house that Steve built

Back in 2000, while I was working at an agency called Wallis Tomlinson in Birmingham, we won a client called Rightmove. The original property portal. I did this new logo for them in a real hurry.

The marketing director decided that she wanted to change the original logo almost on a whim. That being said, the original logo was not really fit for purpose and broke down at small sizes. So we had pressing print and press deadlines to meet and a new logo required. Like, now.

The design took less than an hour. The original draft was of a classic house shape graphic combined with an arrow. It was instantly liked. The client then insisted I add a keyline to the right hand side of the logo to retain the house shape – much to my consternation. Happily, this was removed later on as sense clearly prevailed.

I never had much to do with the Rightmove brand after that. Not long after the launch campaign, the client fired us and the agency imploded due to recession.

It’s kind of like having a child, giving it away, then seeing it go on to be a huge success. (That's probably a little overdramatic.) The pinnacle of which was seeing it appear on a TV commercial for iPhone. 

The logo has had a couple of other tweaks since. The letterspacing on the wordmark is now slightly closer and there’s now a gap between the roof and wall panels on the icon. Several taglines have adorned it over the years too as marketing campaigns, and agencies, no doubt, have come and gone.

In 2017, Rightmove introduced a new logo to go with their latest brand positioning 'Find Your Happy.' Nothing lasts forever I suppose but I'm proud to have played a small part in the success of this company – now with a market valuation of over £4bn on the London Stock Exchange.