
Open Source Creative

It struck me recently how much perfectly serviceable work I’ve done over the years that has ended up on the ‘cutting room floor’. 

With the problem solved, what of those unused ideas that didn’t make the cut? I am going to release some of this work as ‘open source’. Free-to-all, to do with as you wish. Take and use wholesale, adapt and repurpose, or use as inspiration. With the following caveats:

a) If you do decide to use any element of the work I offer up as open source, please do let me know so that I can keep a record:

b) If you are a charity, social enterprise or not-for-profit organisation, the work is free to use with the above proviso.

c) If you are a for-profit organisation, using the work for private gain, please consider making a voluntary donation to Surfers Against Sewage.

Other than that, I hope someone may find these fragments of some benefit.