*BRAND* Association of Photographers. The AOP Awards 2009.
This is still one of my favourite projects well over a decade on. The brief was to rebrand the Association of Photographers' awards scheme which consisted of four separate components - Photographers, Assistants, Students and Open.
I devised an umbrella brand system which could stand alone but also splinter off into these component parts. The resulting group of marks feature a graphic centrepiece formed from abstract depictions of the individual scheme initials, P, A, O and S. The pertaining 'initial' highlighted in the case of each relevant component.
The AOP Photographers Awards were the showpiece event. A very highly respected accolade for professional photographers culminating in a glittering ceremony at Sadlers Wells and a gorgeous annual of the selected works. Kudos to boutique printers Gavin Martin for the end product.
I love the launch ad. This kind of brutal, graphic simplicity is just what turns me on.